Music at St. John begins with God and His gracious work in Christ. It echoes the same eternal truths that are witnessed in Holy Baptism, celebrated in Holy Communion, and proclaimed in the Word of God: Jesus liberates us from the captivity of sin and death by His holy, precious blood. We need to hear this sweet Gospel good news throughout our life as saints and sinners.
Everybody is invited to join the song. The congregation is the most important choir.
The organ doesn’t always play. While we love our pipe organ and piano leadership, the congregation often sings without any accompaniment. Young and old voices join together in singing of Christ and His perfect righteousness.
We’re traditionally contemporary. Don’t freak out. The word “tradition” involves handing down treasures from one generation to another. The word “contemporary” means “happening now.” Though these words have been the source of conflict in recent years, it’s important for the Church’s song to rise above the shallow theaters of musical entertainment and stylistic snobbery. We are united in singing sacred, eternal truths together. Discussions relating to traditional and contemporary worship often ask narcissistic questions and receive similarly self-centered (rather than Gospel-centered) answers. We love singing the historic hymnody of the church but also welcome new musical expressions of the one Holy catholic (universal) and apostolic faith.
The St. John Choir (the people that sit in the balcony – or occasionally in the front!) supports the congregation by preparing special settings of hymns and other music that sings the Word of God into our hearts and lives. The choir is open to anyone who can behave during a one hour rehearsal on Wednesday evening.
Doxology Handbell Choir does the same thing as the choir listed above – but they add handbells to the mix. In addition to Psalm and hymn settings, Doxology members prepare hymn introductions, accompaniments, and other music for use in worship.
Vocalists and instrumentalists who play nice with others are a vital part of St. John’s musical life. Ad-hoc groups like these are low commitment, high in rewards, and open to everyone.
Sound like something you’d like to do? E-mail or call Cantor Paul Soulek at 402-643-2983. (Cantor means “leader of the people’s song,” in case you were wondering.)