Sunday, November 10, 2019 November 10, 2019 PaulSoulekMedia Morning Prayer - Opening through VeniteThis Is the Day - TaizeGod of My Life to Thee I CallWhat Wondrous Love Is ThisChoral - See, I Make All Things New - FedakO God, O Lord of Heaven and EarthPostlude - Bach D major - before serviceKyrie and This Is the Feast - LSB Setting OneAlleluia and VerseWhat Wondrous Love Is This 11Choral - The Tree of LifeSanctus - Holy, HolyAgnus Dei - Lamb of GodAt the Name of JesusO God, Our Help in Ages PastHandbells - Father, We Thank Thee - HonoreFather, We Thank Thee Who Hast PlantedAcross the Lands 8:30 service: St. John Adult Choir and Grades 7-8 Singers 11:00 service: Concordia University Man Choir and St. John Doxology Handbells