Sunday, December 9, 2018 December 9, 2018 PaulSoulekMedia, Uncategorized Prelude - Comfort, Comfort Ye My PeopleMatins - opening through VeniteComfort, Comfort Ye My PeopleChoral - Prepare YeTe Deum - We Praise You, O GodHandbells - On Jordan's BankOn Jordan's Bank the Baptist's CryPostlude - Fugue in G - Bach - Aaron Jackson, organOn Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry 11Kyrie and Advent CanticleAlleluia and VerseChoral - Prepare Ye - Robinson 11Sanctus - LSB Setting FourAgnus Dei - LSB Setting FourChoral - The Glory of the Father - HovlandO Come, O Come EmmanuelWait for the Lord - TaizeNunc Dimittis - LSB Setting ThreeCome, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Concordia University Male Chorus (8:30 and 11:00)St. John Brass Ensemble (8:30)St. John Doxology Handbells (8:30)