January 21, 2018 January 21, 2018 PaulSoulekMedia Prelude - O Morning Star, How Fair and BrightIntroit, Kyrie, Gloria in Excelsis - LSB Setting ThreeAlleluia and Verse - LSB Setting ThreeO Morning Star, How Fair and Bright 830Choral - Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to SingPreface through Sanctus - LSB Setting ThreeAgnus Dei - LSB Setting ThreeChoral - O Taste and See - ThompsonThe Saints in Christ Are One in Every PlaceO Lord, We Praise Thee - with handbell introductionNunc Dimittis - LSB Setting ThreeChoral - O Lord God, You Have Called Your Servants - SchalkGod, Whose Almighty WordPostlude - God, Whose Almighty Word - HildebrandLSB Matins - Opening through VeniteWe Praise You and Acknowledge You, O GodChrist Is Risen, He's Risen Indeed - GettyO Morning Star - Manz - violin and pianoGod, Whose Almighty Word 11Postlude - God, Whose Almighty Word 11