Sunday, April 10, 2016 April 12, 2016 PaulSoulekMedia Handbell Postlude Audio Player00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Handbell PostludeJesus Shall ReignCome and Fill Our Hearts - TaizeHandbells - Fanfare on Hymn to JoyWe Praise You and Acknowledge You, O GodThank the LordLong Before the World is WakingSee What a MorningHe's Risen, He's RisenScatter the Darkness, Break the GloomPsalm 30 - GerikeSee What a Morning 1100Come, Thou Almighty King - into MatinsLamb of GodHandbells - Come, Thou Almighty KingSanctus - LSB Setting TwoHandbell Prelude - Procession 1. Handbell Postlude 2:18 2. Jesus Shall Reign 3:09 3. Come and Fill Our Hearts - Taize 0:24 4. Handbells - Fanfare on Hymn to Joy 3:03 5. We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God 4:45 6. Thank the Lord 0:43 7. Long Before the World is Waking 3:03 8. See What a Morning 3:38 9. He's Risen, He's Risen 3:16 10. Scatter the Darkness, Break the Gloom 2:24 11. Psalm 30 - Gerike 4:30 12. See What a Morning 1100 4:00 13. Come, Thou Almighty King - into Matins 5:39 14. Lamb of God 1:01 15. Handbells - Come, Thou Almighty King 2:43 16. Sanctus - LSB Setting Two 0:41 17. Handbell Prelude - Procession 3:23