Sunday, February 14, 2016 – 11:00 a.m. service February 14, 2016 PaulSoulekMedia Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing Audio Player00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Jesus, Grant that Balm and HealingLord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your WordKyrieReturn to the LordOn Eagles' WingsPraise to the Lord, the AlmightyChoral - Wait on the LordAcclamationHoly, Holy, Holy Lord - LSB Setting TwoLamb of God, Pure and HolyGod's Own Child, I Gladly Say ItChrist, the Lord of Hosts UnshakenO Church, AriseA Mighty Fortress Is Our GodPostlude - A Mighty Fortress 1. Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing 1:03 2. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word 1:48 3. Kyrie 2:47 4. Return to the Lord 0:30 5. On Eagles' Wings 3:39 6. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 3:37 7. Choral - Wait on the Lord 2:04 8. Acclamation 0:23 9. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord - LSB Setting Two 0:42 10. Lamb of God, Pure and Holy 2:58 11. God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It 3:44 12. Christ, the Lord of Hosts Unshaken 3:29 13. O Church, Arise 4:09 14. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 4:00 15. Postlude - A Mighty Fortress 2:24