Sunday, November 7, 2021 November 7, 2021 PaulSoulekMedia Prelude Audio Player00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. PreludeFor All the Saints - stzs 1 through 4Commemoration of the Faithful DepartedFor All the Saints - stanzas 5 through 8Alleluia and VerseThe Church's One FoundationPrefaceSanctus - LSB Setting ThreeAgnus Dei - LSB Setting ThreeBlessed Are They Which Are Called - FlemingInstrumental - Sing with All the Saints - TheriotSing with All the Saints in GloryBehold a Host, Arrayed in WhiteChoral - E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come - ManzJerusalem the GoldenPostludeGod's Own Child, I Gladly Say ItThe Church's One Foundation 11Blessed Are They Which Are Called 11Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen 1. Prelude 4:51 2. For All the Saints - stzs 1 through 4 2:50 3. Commemoration of the Faithful Departed 6:52 4. For All the Saints - stanzas 5 through 8 2:45 5. Alleluia and Verse 0:53 6. The Church's One Foundation 3:56 7. Preface 0:36 8. Sanctus - LSB Setting Three 0:57 9. Agnus Dei - LSB Setting Three 1:20 10. Blessed Are They Which Are Called - Fleming 3:01 11. Instrumental - Sing with All the Saints - Theriot 3:03 12. Sing with All the Saints in Glory 2:24 13. Behold a Host, Arrayed in White 4:33 14. Choral - E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come - Manz 2:10 15. Jerusalem the Golden 3:17 16. Postlude 2:17 17. God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It 3:45 18. The Church's One Foundation 11 3:49 19. Blessed Are They Which Are Called 11 2:54 20. Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen 3:31