Sunday, October 7, 2018 October 7, 2018 PaulSoulekMedia Preservice organ example with extra bassHyfrydol - ManzPrelude 830All Hail the Power of Jesus' NameKyrie and Hymn of Praise - LSB Setting OneChoral - Jubilate Deo - Peter AngleaAlleluia and Verse - LSB Setting OneOur Father, by Whose NameChoral - Tu Es Petrus - PearsallSanctus - LSB Setting OneAgnus Dei - LSB Setting OneMy Faith Looks Up to TheeBuilt on the RockLove Divine, All Loves ExcellingJesus, Thy Blood and RighteousnessJesus Lives! The Victory's WonPostlude - Will the Circle Be UnbrokenAll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 11Praise the One Who Breaks the DarknessOur Father, By Whose Name 11Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won 11