December 17, 2017 December 17, 2017 PaulSoulekMedia Savior of the Nations, ComeKyrie and Advent CanticleAlleluia and VerseRejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and SingChoral - Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing - WaltherPreface - LSB Setting ThreeSanctus - LSB Setting ThreeAgnus Dei - LSB Setting ThreeO Savior, Rend the Heavens WideO Lord, How Shall I Meet YouThe Angel Gabriel from Heaven CameO Come, O Come, EmmanuelCome, Thou Long-Expected JesusPostlude - The Angel Gabriel in duplePrelude - The Angel GabrielO Come, O Come, Emmanuel - 1 through 4Come, Come, EmmanuelThe Angel Gabriel - 1 and 2The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came - 3 and 4Offering - Savior of the Nations, ComeO Come, O Come, Emmanuel - 5 through 7Postlude 11 St. John Brass (8:30) Anna Royuk and Abby Van Velson, violin (11:00)