September 9, 2017 September 11, 2017 PaulSoulekMedia Prelude Audio Player00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. PreludeHolden Evening Prayer - Opening through Hymn of LightCome, Thou Fount of Every BlessingAnnunciation and Magnificat - Holden Evening PrayerChoral - How Firm a FoundationAll Hail the Power of Jesus' NamePostlude 1. Prelude 9:37 2. Holden Evening Prayer - Opening through Hymn of Light 3:32 3. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 3:25 4. Annunciation and Magnificat - Holden Evening Prayer 2:54 5. Choral - How Firm a Foundation 2:13 6. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 4:34 7. Postlude 1:47 Concordia University Male Chorus [Man Choir] Paul Soulek, director and organist