Sunday, December 13, 2015 December 13, 2015December 13, 2015 PaulSoulekMedia 8:30 service LSB Matins - Philip Yox at the organPsalm 24 - HarborRejoice, Rejoice, BelieversTe Deum - Philip Yox at the organWhen I Behold Jesus Christ - Staehr settingLet the Earth Now Praise the LordPostlude - Savior of the Nations, Come - Manz - and Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers 11:00 service Kyrie and Advent CanticleAlleluia and VerseThe King of Glory ComesHandbells - The King of Glory - HonoreSanctus - LSB Setting FourAgnus Dei - LSB Setting ThreeJesus, MessiahChoral - O Taste and See - ThompsonAt the Lamb's High Feast We SingThe Only Son from HeavenLet the Earth Now Praise the LordPostlude - Savior of the Nations Come - Manz - Austin Theriot at the organ