Sunday, October 4 October 4, 2015October 5, 2015 PaulSoulekMedia 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services O Love, How Deep Audio Player00:0000:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. O Love, How DeepThis Is the Feast - LSB Setting OneOpen Your Ears, O Faithful PeopleAlleluia! Let Praises RingWait on the Lord - PowellLamb of God - LSB Setting OneChoral - Canticle for Communion - ThompsonChildren of the Heavenly FatherWhat Wondrous Love Is ThisO Christ, Who Called the TwelvePostlude - Alleluia! Let Praises Ring - OreWhat Wondrous Love Is This 1100O Sing to the Lord - VeniteI AM Forever Who I AMHow Deep the Father's Love for UsHandbell - O Sing to the Lord - GeschkeO Christ, Who Called the TwelvePostlude - O Christ, Who Called the Twelve 1. O Love, How Deep 3:36 2. This Is the Feast - LSB Setting One 2:41 3. Open Your Ears, O Faithful People 2:15 4. Alleluia! Let Praises Ring 3:38 5. Wait on the Lord - Powell 2:04 6. Lamb of God - LSB Setting One 0:54 7. Choral - Canticle for Communion - Thompson 2:14 8. Children of the Heavenly Father 2:19 9. What Wondrous Love Is This 3:44 10. O Christ, Who Called the Twelve 3:44 11. Postlude - Alleluia! Let Praises Ring - Ore 2:15 12. What Wondrous Love Is This 1100 3:47 13. O Sing to the Lord - Venite 2:01 14. I AM Forever Who I AM 6:28 15. How Deep the Father's Love for Us 3:18 16. Handbell - O Sing to the Lord - Geschke 2:05 17. O Christ, Who Called the Twelve 3:52 18. Postlude - O Christ, Who Called the Twelve 2:06